Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Inspirational Images.... and such

The reason I chose this photo is because it is the inspiration for a project that I am wanting to do. The powder exploding is Holi Powder and it is used in the Indian culture to celebrate things and to just make life colorful. So that's why I like it because I see it as a celebration of new beginnings and new experiences as I enter my Senior year of college. 

I choose this image because it is a composite that I did for a random joke. I really like Van Gogh as a painter and I saw something online that made this joke so I took the image and made Van Gogh van go until he was van gone. 

This image is just something that makes me happy. I love watching the sun set...mainly because I'm too lazy to watch the sun rise..but also it has always been something that I have truly love to watch. 

I chose this photo because I really want an answer to why people keep hanging cats to make a pun! 

Friday, January 15, 2016

Humble brag

So I like to watch this web series when ever I need some inspiration or if I need to have a laugh. The play Wiki Roulette, which is is a random draw if Wikipedia articles and they draw what ever comes to their minds. So yhea....

Sooo.,,,Humble brag here, but if you would like to check out my website and professional Facebook page...that would be great! 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Hello Sweetie!

Hello there fellow classmate!
My name is Elizabeth Cook. I am a senior here at Bethel, Majoring in Marketing, well I created a major to be like Marketing because there was no undergrad program for that major. I like all things geeky if you have not guessed! I am a big fan of Star Wars, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, and mostly anything related to comic books or movies. My goal in this class is to become more familiar with the editing tools that are uses in gimp to further my knowledge in Computer art!
Allons-y and Best Wishes!