Sunday, March 13, 2016

The Narcissist's Profile Picture

So this was interesting to say the least. I thought it was easy a crap to do it when you have a model, but doing it with a timer and looking in a mirror is hard. So I learned a lot and I think this is kind of cool.


  1. These weren't posted last night when I checked. Glad to see them here now. These are working quite well. Your first one is pretty much seamless. Your two self portraits have really great narratives in them and were obviously a challenge to create. Those have a few small issues however that give away the process, though they are only noticeable when you zoom in. Mostly it's things like a contour on a clone that is too fuzzy or, conversely, too sharp. Additionally, in the first of your self portraits, when I look at the clone holding the book I feel like I should be able to see some of her left (our right) shoulder above the book. Still, these are fairly small, easily fixed issues in images that appear to have taken a lot of work to construct. Well done.

  2. Your images are believable to me, and I really liked the third one with the clones somewhat reacting with one another. Good job!

  3. These images all look really well done and believable. I really enjoyed the 3rd one

  4. These images all look really well done and believable. I really enjoyed the 3rd one
